Hayloft Auctions
branding & marketing
Adding a little funk to the art of collecting
Hayloft Auctions is a subsidiary company of fine arts auction house Doyle New York, featuring vintage pieces at auction for a more affordable price. We wanted to attract the younger collectors and DIYers to shop at auction through a unique brand that was often light-hearted, colorful and retro-inspired.
the thought behind the overall look was inspired by 70s product advertisements with a more saturated palette. The tone was laid back, humorous and slightly educational without being condescending, almost like your cool, hip, high school teacher. We wanted to show that collecting vintage pieces—though sometimes daunting—can be a great way to express yourself, and more unique than an IKEA purchase. And being different and little weird is okay, so it’s okay to make that bid on that chamber pot.
In addition to providing the design and art direction of the brand, I also assisted in scheduling auction uploads and marketing companions, along with overseeing their social media channels. I also started their “buy-it-now” section, that featured a selection of items that were sold on the website.